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C++ program to find number of BSTs with N nodes (Catalan numbers)
Catalan numbers using C++: In this tutorial, we will learn how to implement a C++ program to find the number of BSTs with N Nodes (Catalan numbers).
By Saksham Bhayana Last updated : August 10, 2023
Problem statement
Write a C++ program to find the number of BSTs with N Nodes (Catalan numbers).
Consider the below-given example with sample input and output -
Input format: single integer n
Constraints: 0=<n<=15
Sample input: 4
Sample output: 14 binary search tree/trees are there for 4 nodes
Example with explanation
The number of BSTs with n vertices is given by Catalan numbers. For n=0,1,2,3,4... Catalan numbers are 1,1,2,5,14... and so on.
Catalan numbers are given by Cn = (2n)!/(n+1)!*n! = count of BSTs with nodes n.
Catalan numbers are used here to find the count of BSTs because both satisfy same recurrence relation that is:
For n=0 number of trees is 1 i.e. empty tree. For subsequent values:
And, so on...
Finding number of BSTs with N nodes (Catalan numbers)
If we consider root as the ith node then:
- i-1 nodes are there in left subtree.
- n-i nodes are there in right subtree.
Let’s denote count of BST by Bn for n elements
The 2 subtrees here will be independent of each other. Therefore it will be ( B i-1 * B n-i ) for Bi . For n nodes (as i has n choices) it will be :
Since the recurrence relation is same as of catalan numbers , so count of BST is given by Cn.
Recurrence relation:
This gives complexity O(4^n). Complexity can be reduced to O(n^2) by using DP.
C++ program to find the number of BSTs with N Nodes (Catalan numbers)
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Function to find number of BSTs with N nodes
// (Catalan numbers)
int CN(int n)
int Cn = 0;
// base case
if (n == 0) // empty tree
return 1;
for (int i = 1; i < n + 1; i++) {
Cn += CN(i - 1) * CN(n - i);
return Cn;
// main function starts
int main()
int n;
// Input
cout << "Enter number of nodes: ";
cin >> n;
// Printing n
cout << n << endl;
// Finding the numbers
int trees = CN(n);
// Printing
cout << trees << " binary search trees are there for " << n << " nodes" << endl;
return 0;
RUN 1:
Enter number of nodes: 4
14 binary search trees are there for 4 nodes
RUN 2:
Enter number of nodes: 6
132 binary search trees are there for 6 nodes
RUN 3:
Enter number of nodes: 2
2 binary search trees are there for 2 nodes