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What Topics Should a Beginner Java Student Learn?

In this article, we are discussing the topics which a beginner Java student should learn.
Submitted by IncludeHelp, on APR 22, 2020

What Topics Should a Beginner Java Student Learn?

Every discipline requires high potential and passion from students who are going to learn it. This also applies when you decide to study Java. After reading your first book on Java, you should practice by getting your hands dirty with real code.

Many IT students may give up after facing a lot of uncovered questions. Even if you have some experience in coding on Java, you can sometimes say, "do my java homework," and get reliable help with writing from experienced programmers. For this purpose, we organized this brief list of topics you should learn as a beginner.

Follow our five steps in the next listing and create your educational plan to improve your Java skills. Anything you can learn will be really valuable, but remember to implement what you learn in real life.

1. Java in Developing Android Apps

Start with completing the Android Oreo Developer Course before switching to this language. Where the recent trend seems to be aimed at hobbyists, this topic is much more structured and more focused on people who actually want to develop professionally on Android. A clear, complete, and well-balanced approach to learning this topic will bring you basic knowledge of developing Android apps.Start with completing the Android Oreo Developer Course before switching to this language. Where the recent trend seems to be aimed at hobbyists, this topic is much more structured and more focused on people who actually want to develop professionally on Android. A clear, complete, and well-balanced approach to learning this topic will bring you basic knowledge of developing Android apps.

Like all topics on Android, this one can be slightly outdated, as the framework is developing really fast. However, if you want to learn the basics for Android, it's still a perfect option. Such subtopics as the entire lifecycle and callback are covered here.

2. ArrayList in Java

This part is very important if you just started to learn Java. By discovering ArrayList, you will learn to construct your code, add new elements to it, and use the "add" method. ArrayList works as a dynamic array that helps to accommodate new elements in the code and make it smaller after elements are removed.

Read: Java ArrayList Tutorial

3. Java Strings

Strings are character sequences in Java. When you declare a string variable and assign value, you will create a string object which cannot be changed. If you want to modify the string or create a new string object with the modifications, the original string will be left as it is. In any case, with the StringBuilder class and String Buffer in Java classes, you can modify character sequences even after you have created it.

4. Inheritance in Java OOPs

Object-oriented programming, or OOP, is not as complex a topic as it seems, but it is exceedingly crucial. Everyone new to Java has to practice and read about OOP principles.

The key topics are an abstraction of data and behavior, class inheritance, class implementation, polymorphism, interface implementation, encapsulation of data, and virtual methods. Learn the main concepts by reading such books as "Core Java" by Gary Cornell and Cay Horstmann, "Elegant Objects" by Yegor Bugayenko, and "Object-Oriented Analysis and Design" by McLaughlin.


5. Classes in Java

When you want to upgrade knowledge on Java, you need to get an explanation of classes. They are basic concepts of OOP that reflect the real-life items. A class is a user-settled project or prototype from which objects are created. With classes, you can represent the set of methods or properties that are common to all objects of one type.

To get practical skills on these five topics, you can visit such websites as Java Reference, w3schools - Java Tutorial. Don't avoid visiting IncludeHelp Java Tutorial to find more topics and tutorials on Java. These cool features will help you with efficiently learning Java online.

Become a master in mobile technologies by using the Java language as one of the most powerful tools in creating code!


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