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Types of Inheritance in Java with Examples
In this tutorial, we are going to learn about the types of Inheritance in Java: Here we will discuss Single, Multiple, Multilevel, and Hierarchical Inheritance in Java with Examples.
Submitted by Preeti Jain, on June 02, 2019
Prerequisite: Inheritance and its implementation in Java
Type of inheritance in Java
In Java programming, there are following types of the inheritances,
- Single Inheritance
- Multiple Inheritances (Through Interface)
- Multilevel Inheritance
- Hierarchical Inheritance
1) Single Inheritance
If a class extends another class (i.e. the only one class).
class Parent {
// Fields and Methods
class Child extends Parent {
// Fields and Methods
Example of Single Inheritance:
/*Java program to demonstrate the
concept of inheritance */
// Parent class
class Parent {
// The Parent class has one method
// displayParentMessage() method to print message of Parent Class
public void displayParentMessage() {
System.out.println("Hello, we are in parent class method");
// Sub class or derived class
class Child extends Parent {
// The Child subclass adds one more method
// displayChildMessage() method to print message of Parent Class
public void displayChildMessage() {
System.out.println("Hello, we are in child class method");
// Main class in this class we will create
//object of parent and child class
class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Creation of Parent class object
Parent p = new Parent();
// Calling Parent class method by Parent class object
// Creation of Child class object
Child c = new Child();
// Calling Child class method by Child class object
// Calling Parent class method by Child class object
D:\Programs>javac Main.java
D:\Programs>java Main
Hello, we are in parent class method
Hello, we are in child class method
Hello, we are in parent class method
2) Multiple Inheritance (Through Interface)
If we extend more than one class. Java doesn’t support multiple inheritances directly but with the help of interface we can implement but it is similar to multiple inheritance.
interface interface1 {
// Field and Method declaration
interface interface2 {
// Field and Method declaration
Class class_name implements interface1, interface2 {}
Example of Multiple Inheritance:
/*Java program to demonstrate the
concept of multiple inheritance */
interface Print {
void print();
interface Show {
void show();
class Main implements Print, Show {
public void print() {
public void show() {
public static void main(String args[]) {
Main obj = new Main();
D:\Programs>javac Main.java
D:\Programs>java Main
3) Multilevel Inheritance
If a classA extends by classB and classB extends by classC is called multilevel inheritance.
class classA {
// Fields and Methods
class classB extends classA {
// Fields and Methods
class classC extends classB {
// Fields and Methods
Example of Multilevel Inheritance:
/*Java program to demonstrate the
concept of multilevel inheritance */
// ClassA class
class ClassA {
// The ClassA class has one method
// displayClassAMessage() method to print message of ClassA Class
public void displayClassAMessage() {
System.out.println("Hello, we are in ClassA class method");
// ClassB class
class ClassB extends ClassA {
// The ClassB class adds one more method
// displayClassBMessage() method to print message of ClassB Class
public void displayClassBMessage() {
System.out.println("Hello, we are in ClassB class method");
// ClassC class
class ClassC extends ClassB {
// The ClassC class adds one more method
// displayClassCMessage() method to print message of ClassC Class
public void displayClassCMessage() {
System.out.println("Hello, we are in ClassC class method");
// Main class in this class we will create
//object of ClassA and ClassB and ClassC class
class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Creation of ClassA class object
ClassA ca = new ClassA();
// Calling ClassA class method by ClassA class object
// Creation of ClassB class object
ClassB cb = new ClassB();
// Calling ClassB class method by ClassB class object
// Calling ClassA class method by ClassB class object
// Creation of ClassC class object
ClassC cc = new ClassC();
// Calling ClassC class method by ClassC class object
// Calling ClassB class method by ClassC class object
// Calling ClassA class method by ClassC class object
D:\Programs>javac Main.java
D:\Programs>java Main
Hello, we are in ClassA class method
Hello, we are in ClassB class method
Hello, we are in ClassA class method
Hello, we are in ClassC class method
Hello, we are in ClassB class method
Hello, we are in ClassA class method
4) Hierarchical Inheritance
If more than one class is inherited from the base class is called hierarchical inheritance.
class classA {
// Fields and Methods
class classB extends classA {
// Fields and Methods
class classC extends classA {
// Fields and Methods
Example of Hierarchical Inheritance:
/*Java program to demonstrate the
concept of hierarchical inheritance */
class ClassA {
// The ClassA class has one method
// displayClassAMessage() method to print message of ClassA Class
public void displayClassAMessage() {
System.out.println("Hello, we are in ClassA class method");
// ClassB class
class ClassB extends ClassA {
// The ClassB class adds one more method
// displayClassBMessage() method to print message of ClassB Class
public void displayClassBMessage() {
System.out.println("Hello, we are in ClassB class method");
// ClassC class
class ClassC extends ClassA {
// The ClassC class adds one more method
// displayClassCMessage() method to print message of ClassC Class
public void displayClassCMessage() {
System.out.println("Hello, we are in ClassC class method");
// Main class in this class we will create
//object of ClassA and ClassB and ClassC class
class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Creation of ClassA class object
ClassA ca = new ClassA();
// Calling ClassA class method by ClassA class object
// Creation of ClassB class object
ClassB cb = new ClassB();
// Calling ClassB class method by ClassB class object
// Calling ClassA class method by ClassB class object
// Creation of ClassC class object
ClassC cc = new ClassC();
// Calling ClassC class method by ClassC class object
// Calling ClassA class method by ClassC class object
D:\Programs>javac Main1.java
D:\Programs>java Main1
Hello, we are in ClassA class method
Hello, we are in ClassB class method
Hello, we are in ClassA class method
Hello, we are in ClassC class method
Hello, we are in ClassA class method