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How to prepare for an IT Job Interview?
Dear friends,
I am the founder of IncludeHelp; I am from the IT field working as a Sr. Programmer since last 8+ years. I am working on various technologies like C, C++, Java, .Net.
I have conducted several interviews to hire computer programmers, so I feel I can guide you on "How to prepare yourself for an IT job interview, off course for a Computer Programmer job?"
First thing, that you have to know about is what are the skills that are required to get job in the IT field as a programmer, trainer etc
These are the required skills for an IT Job:
1) Good programming knowledge
This skill is required for computer programmers job - If you are looking for a career as a computer programmer, improve your computer programming knowledge and skills by practicing daily.
Not only write programs like print patterns, comparing strings etc; but make yourself ready to solve any kind of problems through your programming skills.
There are a lot of online resources where you can learn advance programming, tricky logics to solve numerous problems.
You should learn and gain knowledge of all of the programming concepts which also includes practical knowledge.
2) Communication
Communication is not just the way to exchange information; good communication skill includes capability to understand the emotions and intentions which someone wants to share with the information.
Focus on your communication skills, improve it to understand and express your emotions.
3) Confidence
When I take interviews, I meet guys who are hesitated during their interview. I am unable to understand one thing why they are hesitated? Even the Interviewer is just an employee in that organization.
So confidence is the first thing which Interviewers want to see in you, no matter whether your answers are right or wrong, while replying to any query you need to be confident.
4) Passionate about programming
This is for computer programmer job seeker’s - Guys programming is a work of passion, you should be passionate about the programming.
Generally people learn the programming in colleges/ training institutes, practice once. Again when they are going for an interview, they revise the programming.
Programming is not is not just learning, it involves practicing. You should be passionate about it if you are looking for a career as a programmer.
5) Willing to get your dream job
A very big mistake which some people make is that they want to work as a programmer but compromise their career in call centres and support field.
It’s just not because of lack of jobs, I agree in an organization number of vacancies may be less? But keep in mind there are jobs that you want to do.
But people run away from competition and compromise on their career and passion.
Never loose hope of getting your dream job, give an interview, if you fail, analyse "why?" and again prepare with double energy. Definitely you will get selected within few job interviews.
How to prepare yourself to get your dream job?
1) Decide your field first
Decide your field in which you want to get a job according to your educational qualification, hobby and passion. Don’t be in a hurry to do any type of job just to run away from completion and effort, give some time to yourself to decide and prepare for the job.
2) Revise all relevant basic concepts
If you are unable to practice daily, then all basic concepts need to be revised.
For example if you are preparing for a computer programmers job you need to revise c programming, c++ programming and Data Structure concept along with the technology in which you are seeking the job.
3) Start practicing for typical and targeted questions
With the preparation of basic concepts, you must also be focus on typical and targeted interview questions.
Try to solved online quizzes, aptitude question and answers.
Here are the links of some aptitude questions and answers for a computer programmer job:
4) Start practicing about the general HR Interview Questions
There are few defined basic HR Interview questions which are asked in almost all interviews like Tell me about yourself?, Why you want to do this job?, What are your strengths and weaknesses?, Why should I hire you? You should be well prepared for such.
Read the HR Interview Questions (A link from IndixBix).
5) Preparation of a good Resume/ CV
Your Resume/CV is the only way to get short listed for the interview; it should be readable and presentable.
Do remember these things while writing a resume:
- Divide information in sections
- Avoid unnecessary formatting like shading, border etc
- Alignments and padding make the resume readable - resume should be proper aligned and padded
- Name, Contact Number, E-Mail Id, Address should be in the header (in left of right section)
- Separate Educational and Professional Qualifications
- Mention relevant projects, internships (Only those projects which are made by you so that you can explain everything about the project)
- Mention relevant achievements only (for me - its irritating if someone is mentioning about dancing, travelling in a computer programmer resume)
- Try to avoid unnecessary information like Marital Status, Gender, Nationality (if you are applying for domestic jobs), hobbies (like watching movies)
- Define your strengths and weakness
- Spelling and Grammatical mistakes should be taken care of
- Use standard font and size
6) Learn about the company
Read about the company like company profile, company products, company policy, history, number of employees, company’s turn over etc from company’s official website or Wikipedia (if company profile is exists on the Wikipedia).
You should have full knowledge as much as possible before going to an interview in that company.
7) Dressing and Body Language
Wear clean, ironed formal clothes (try to make a combination of light colour shirt and dark colour trouser). Shoes must be formal.
Remember that first impression is everything so body language must be professional.
Following things matter in an interview:
- How you enter in the interview room
- Seating and talking behaviour
- Confidence level
- Ask for permission when you enter, greet the interviewers , say thanks after seating, shaking hand etc
8) Answer each query confidently
As discussed above, doesn’t loose your confidence, be confident, answer each query confidently and remember the interviewers are also an employee with few years of experience.
I hope this guide will be helpful to you, leave your comments if you want to discuss anything?