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Huffman Coding (Algorithm, Example and Time complexity)

This article contains basic concept of Huffman coding with their algorithm, example of Huffman coding and time complexity of a Huffman coding is also prescribed in this article.
Submitted by Abhishek Kataria, on June 23, 2018

Huffman coding

  • Huffman Algorithm was developed by David Huffman in 1951.
  • This is a technique which is used in a data compression or it can be said that it is a coding technique which is used for encoding data.
  • This technique is a mother of all data compression scheme.
  • This idea is basically dependent upon the frequency, i.e. the frequency of the corresponding character which needs to be compressed, and by that frequency, only Huffman code will be generated.
  • In case of Huffman coding, the most generated character will get the small code and least generated character will get the large code.
  • Huffman tree is a specific method of representing each symbol.
  • This technique produces a code in such a manner that no codeword is a prefix of some other code word. These codes are called as prefix code.

Algorithm for Huffman code

    1.	Input:-Number of message with frequency count.
    2.	Output: - Huffman merge tree.
    3.	Begin
    4.	Let Q be the priority queue,
    5.	Q= {initialize priority queue with frequencies of all symbol or message}
    6.	Repeat n-1 times 
    7.	Create a new node Z 
    8.	X=extract_min(Q)
    9.	Y=extract_min(Q)
    10.	Frequency(Z) =Frequency(X) +Frequency(y);
    11.	Insert (Z, Q)
    12.	End repeat 
    13.	Return (extract_min(Q))
    14.	End.


Let obtain a set of Huffman code for the message (m1.....m7) with relative frequencies (q1.....q7) = (4,5,7,8,10,12,20). Let us draw the Huffman tree for the given set of codes.

Step 1) Arrange the data in ascending order in a table.


Step 2) Combine first two entries of a table and by this create a parent node.

Huffman coding algo 1

Step 3)

A) Remove the entries 4 and 5 from the table and inert 9 at its appropriate position. 7,8,9,10,12,20

Combine minimum value of table and create a parent node.

Huffman coding algo 2

B) Now remove the entries 7 and 8 from the table and insert 15 at its appropriate position. 9,10,12,15,20

Combine minimum value of two blocks and create a parent node.

Huffman coding algo 3

C) Remove the entries 9 and 10 from the table and insert 19 at its proper position. 12,15,19,20.

Combine minimum value of two blocks and create parent node.

Huffman coding algo 4

D) Remove the entries 15 and 12 from the table and insert 27 at its appropriate position. 19,20,27

Combine minimum value of two blocks and create parent node.

Huffman coding algo 5

E) Remove the entries 19 and 20 from the table and insert 39 in the table. 27,39

Combine minimum value of two blocks and create parent node.

Huffman coding algo 6

Step 4) Now assign left child as 0 and right child as 1 to encode the frequencies.

Huffman coding algo 7

Now, codes for the given frequencies are given below:

Huffman coding algo 8

Time complexity:

O(nlogn) is the overall time complexity. Where n is the number of characters.

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