
Algorithms Tutorial

Searching Algorithms

Dynamic Programming

Graph Algorithms

Backtracking Algorithms


Operating System Algorithms

Miscellaneous Topics


Algorithms Tutorial

Last updated : August 12, 2023

Algorithms Tutorial: This page contains detailed tutorials on the top algorithms on sorting, searching, dynamic programming, graphs, backtracking, operating system, etc. with their examples and implementations.



  1. What is an Algorithm | Introduction to Algorithms
  2. Algorithm and Its Types
  3. Algorithm and Its Properties
  4. Time Space Trade-Off of algorithms
  5. Time Complexity and Space Complexity Analysis of Algorithm

Sorting Algorithms

  1. Introduction to Greedy Strategy Algorithm
  2. What is stability in sorting?
  3. External Merge Sorting Algorithm
  4. Radix Sort Algorithm
  5. Bucket Sort Algorithm
  6. Bubble Sort Algorithm
  7. Insertion Sort Algorithm
  8. Merge Sort Algorithm

Searching Algorithms

  1. Binary Search: Algorithm, Example & C, C++ Implementations
  2. Randomized Binary Search: Algorithm, Time Complexity, Implementations
  3. Meta Binary Search | One-sided Binary Search
  4. Linear Vs. Binary Search: Comparisons & Key Differences
  5. Binary Search in String (Example & C++ Implementation)
  6. Variants of Binary Search
  7. Find Prime Numbers using Sieve of Eratosthenes Algorithm
  8. Optimal Merge Pattern (Algorithm and Example)
  9. Check duplicate elements in an array of n elements
  10. Find the missing number (With Example and C Program)
  11. Find the number occurring an odd number of times
  12. Find the pair whose sum is closest to zero in minimum time complexity
  13. Find three elements in an array such that their sum is equal to given element K
  14. Bitonic Search Algorithm
  15. Check whether a number is Fibonacci or not
  16. Segregate even and odd numbers in minimum time complexity
  17. Find trailing zeros in factorial of a number
  18. Find Nearest Greatest Neighbours of each element in an array
  19. Interpolation search algorithm
  20. Floor and ceil of an element in an array using C++
  21. Two Elements whose sum is closest to zero
  22. Find a pair with a given difference
  23. Count number of occurrences (or frequency) in a sorted array
  24. Find a Fixed Point (Value equal to index) in a given array
  25. Find the maximum element in an array which is first increasing and then decreasing

Dynamic Programming

  1. Dynamic Programming (Components, Applications and Elements)
  2. Algorithm for fractional knapsack problem
  3. Algorithm and procedure to solve a longest common subsequence problem
  4. Dynamic Programming (Components, Applications and Elements)
  5. Find the Nth Fibonacci number | C++
  6. Longest Common Subsequence using Dynamic programming (DP)
  7. Longest Increasing Subsequence using Dynamic programming (DP)
  8. Find the maximum sub-array sum using KADANE'S ALGORITHM
  9. Non-intersecting chords using Dynamic Programming (DP)
  10. Edit Distance using Dynamic Programming (DP)
  11. Finding Ugly Number using Dynamic Programming (DP)
  12. Egg dropping problem using Dynamic Programming (DP)
  13. Wild card matching problem using Dynamic programming (DP)
  14. Compute sum of digits in all numbers from 1 to N for a given N
  15. Minimum jumps required using Dynamic programming (DP)

Graph Algorithms

  1. Graph coloring problem's solution using backtracking algorithm
  2. Breadth First Search (BFS) and Depth First Search (DFS) Algorithms
  3. Travelling Salesman Problem
  4. Kruskal's (P) and Prim's (K) Algorithms
  5. Multistage graph problem with forward approach and backward approach algorithms
  6. Floyd Warshall algorithm with its Pseudo Code

Backtracking Algorithms

  1. Backtracking (Types and Algorithms)
  2. 4 Queen's problem and solution using backtracking algorithm
  3. N Queen's problem and solution using backtracking algorithm


  1. Types of Recursion
  2. Find the GCD (Greatest Common Divisor) of two numbers using EUCLID'S ALGORITHM
  3. Compute the value of A raise to the power B using Fast Exponentiation

Operating System Algorithms

  1. Implementations of FCFS scheduling algorithm using C++
  2. Implementation of Shortest Job First (SJF) Non-Preemptive CPU scheduling algorithm using C++
  3. Implementation of Shortest Job First (SJF) Preemptive CPU scheduling algorithm using C++
  4. Implementation of Priority scheduling (Pre-emptive) algorithm using C++
  5. Implementation of Priority scheduling (Non Pre-emptive) algorithm using C++
  6. Implementation of Round Robin CPU Scheduling algorithm using C++
  7. Analysis of LRU page replacement algorithm and Belady's anomaly

Algorithms Implementation

  1. Implement First Come First Served (FCFS) CPU Scheduling Algorithm using C program

Miscellaneous Topics


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