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Difference between WHERE and HAVING clauses in SQL
What are the differences between WHERE and HAVING clauses? Here, we are going to learn about what are the similarities and dissimilarities between HAVING and WHERE clauses in SQL?
Submitted by Preeti Jain, on April 02, 2018
WHERE Clause
- WHERE Clauses can be used for conditional
- It is basically to fetch a particular record
- If we are using WHERE Clauses then WHERE Clauses should be mention before having clauses
- WHERE Clauses cannot be implemented on grouping
- We should implement WHERE Clauses whenever condition required
SELECT col1,col2 FROM tablename
WHERE col1 = value;
Example: (Table)
Id Full_name
3 Anny sharma
4 Ayesha jain
5 Preeti jain
6 Rahul jain
mysql> SELECT * FROM emp WHERE id = 4;
Id Full_name
4 Ayesha jain
- HAVING Clauses can also be used for conditional
- It is basically to fetch a conditional record
- If we are using HAVING Clauses then HAVING Clauses should be mention after HAVING Clauses
- HAVING Clauses should be implemented on grouping
- We should implement HHAVING Clauses whenever condition required
SELECT col1,col2, ..., coln FROM tablename
WHERE colname = value
GROUP BY colname HAVING colname = value;
Example: (Table)
Id Full_name
3 Anny sharma
4 Preeti jain
5 Rahul jain
7 Anny sharma
mysql> SELECT * FROM emp
GROUP BY id HAVING full_name = 'Anny sharma';
Id Full_name
3 Anny sharma
7 Anny sharma