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SQL query to find fields with NULL values
Here, we are going to learn how to find fields with NULL values? How to get records whose specific column has the NULL values?
Submitted by Abhishek Goel, on April 26, 2020
In SQL NULL values are those fields that do not contain any specific value.
But we should remember that the NULL value is different from the zero value or just space value (" "). Field with NULL value is the field that is left blank at the time of database creation.
Let us consider the following dataset and try to find out the NULL field present in it.
Table: Employee
EmpID | FirstName | LastName | Design | Salary |
101 | Ravi | Gupta | President | 5000 |
202 | Kishan | Saini | Manager | 4000 |
303 | Usha | Mittal | Sr. Analyst | 3500 |
404 | Monnie | Saxena | NULL | 3000 |
505 | Mahesh | Aggarwal | Developer | 4500 |
606 | Parveen | Garg | Clerk | 3000 |
707 | Mukul | Sharma | NULL | 2500 |
808 | Bhavesh | Joon | Salesman | 2500 |
Testing of NULL value is not possible with the help of >, <, = signs rather we have to use IS NULL or NOT NULL operators.
Let us first talk about the syntax.
SELECT column_names
FROM table_name
WHERE column_name IS NULL;
Now let's work upon the demo database provided above
SQL Query:
SELECT FirstName, LastName, Design
FROM Employee
FirstName | LastName | Design |
Monnie | Saxena | NULL |
Mukul | Sharma | NULL |
Note: Always remember to use the IS NULL operator, to check for Null Fields in the Table of the database.