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Program to convert Java List of floats to an Indexed Sequence in Scala
Here, we will see how to convert Java List of Floats to an Indexed Sequence in Scala?
Submitted by Shivang Yadav, on October 30, 2020 [Last updated : March 11, 2023]
Java List of Floats to an Indexed Sequence
Scala programming language is based on Java that enables it to be interoperable with java. As Scala code is compiled to bytecode which is the same as compiled by java.
List of Floats in Java
It is simply, a list in java that contains elements of float data type.
Syntax to create a list of float in java,
List<float> floatList = new ArrayList<float>()
Syntax to create a list of float in Scala,
val floatList = new java.util.ArrayList[Float]()
It is a subtrait of the trait sequence that returns a vector which allows random and fast access to the elements.
Scala code to convert java list of floats to an Indxed Sequence
// Program to illustrate the conversion of java list
// of floats to an indexed sequence in scala
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
object myObject {
def main(args:Array[String]) {
val floatList = new java.util.ArrayList[Float]()
val indexSeq = floatList.toIndexedSeq
println("The converted indexed sequence is " + indexSeq)
The converted indexed sequence is Vector(45.81, 12.56, 98.30)
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