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Rust program to return a structure from the function (Structure Example)
Rust | Structure Example: Write a program to return a structure from the function.
Submitted by Nidhi, on October 27, 2021
Problem Solution:
In this program, we will create an Employee structure. Then we will create a function to compare the salaries of employees and return the object of the employee, who is earning more salary.
Program/Source Code:
The source code to return a structure from the function is given below. The given program is compiled and executed successfully.
// Rust program to return a structure
// from the function
struct Employee {
fn printEmployee(emp:&Employee){
println!(" Employee ID : {}",emp.eid );
println!(" Employee Name : {}",emp.name);
println!(" Employee Salary: {}\n",emp.salary);
fn compareEmpSalary(emp1:Employee, emp2:Employee)->Employee{
if emp1.salary>emp2.salary{
return emp1;
return emp2;
fn main() {
let emp1 = Employee{
eid: 101,
name: String::from("Lokesh Singh"),
let emp2 = Employee{
eid: 102,
name: String::from("Mukesh Kumar"),
salary: 48000
println!("Employee Information");
println!("\n\nEmployee, who is earning more:");
let emp3 = compareEmpSalary(emp1,emp2);
Employee Information
Employee ID : 101
Employee Name : Lokesh Singh
Employee Salary: 50000
Employee ID : 102
Employee Name : Mukesh Kumar
Employee Salary: 48000
Employee, who is earning more:
Employee ID : 101
Employee Name : Lokesh Singh
Employee Salary: 50000
In the above program, we created a structure Employee and three functions printEmployee(), compareEmpSalary(), main(). The Employee structure contains three members eid, name, and salary.
The printEmployee() function is used to print employee information. The compareEmpSalary() function is used to compare the salaries of two specified employees and return the employee, who is earning more salary.
In the main() function, we created two objects of structure. Then compare created objects and print the result.
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