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Rust program to implement destructive assignment with tuple
Rust | Tuple Example: Write a program to implement destructive assignment with tuple.
Submitted by Nidhi, on October 18, 2021
Problem Solution:
In this program, we will implement destructive assignments of tuple members into different variables and print them.
Program/Source Code:
The source code to implement destructive assignment with tuple is given below. The given program is compiled and executed successfully.
// Rust program to implement
// destructive assignment
// with tuple
fn PrintEmployee(emp:(i32,&str,u8))
let (id,name,age) = emp;
println!("Employee Information: ");
println!("\tEmployee Id : {}",id);
println!("\tEmployee Name: {}",name);
println!("\tEmployee Age : {}",age);
fn main() {
let MyTuple:(i32,&str,u8) = (101,"Dhairya Pratap",25);
Employee Information:
Employee Id : 101
Employee Name: Dhairya Pratap
Employee Age : 25
In the above program, we created two functions PrintEmployee() and main(). The PrintEmployee() function accept tuple as a parameter and perform the destructive assignment of tuple members into a different variable.
In the main() function, we created a tuple MyTuple that contains employee information. Then we called PrintEmployee() function and printed the result.
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