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Rust program to demonstrate the assignment operators
Here, we are going to demonstrate the assignment operators in Rust programming language.
Submitted by Nidhi, on September 22, 2021
Problem Solution:
Here, we will create three integer variables and perform assignment operations, and print results.
Program/Source Code:
The source code to demonstrate the assignment operators is given below. The given program is compiled and executed successfully.
// Rust program to demonstrate the
// assignment operators
fn main() {
let mut num1:i32=27;
let mut num2:i32=5;
let mut num3:i32=0;
num3 = num1+num2;
println!("Result(=) :{}",num3);
num3 += num1;
println!("Result(+=) :{}",num3);
num3 -= num1;
println!("Result(-=) :{}",num3);
num3 *= num1;
println!("Result(*=) :{}",num3);
num3 /= num1;
println!("Result(/=) :{}",num3);
Result(=) :32
Result(+=) :59
Result(-=) :32
Result(*=) :864
Result(/=) :32
Here, we created three integer variables num1, num2, and num3 that are initialized with 27, 5, 0 respectively. Then we performed assignment operations and printed the result.
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