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Ruby program to demonstrate the range (..) operator
Ruby Example: Write a program to demonstrate the range (..) operator.
Submitted by Nidhi, on December 16, 2021
Problem Solution:
In this program, we will create the range of integer and string elements using the range (..) operator. The range (..) operator returns the range of elements including the last term.
Program/Source Code:
The source code to demonstrate the range (..) operator is given below. The given program is compiled and executed successfully.
# Ruby program to demonstrate the
# range (..) operator
num_range = (5..8).to_a();
str_range = ('CAP'..'CAR').to_a();
puts "#{num_range}";
puts "#{str_range}";
[5, 6, 7, 8]
["CAP", "CAQ", "CAR"]
In the above program, we created two ranges num_range, str_range using the range (..) operator and printed the result.
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