Ruby case statement – Find output programs (set 1)

This section contains the Ruby case statements find output programs (set 1) with their output and explanations.
Submitted by Nidhi, on February 12, 2022

Program 1:

case 20 when 10 puts "TEN"; when 20 puts "TWENTY"; when 30 puts "THIRTY"; when 40 puts "FORTY"; when 50 puts "FIFTY"; else puts "Unknown number"; end




In the above program, we created case blocks. Here, the case 20 matched based on the given value and printed the "TWENTY".

Program 2:

case (40-10) when 10 puts "TEN"; when 20 puts "TWENTY"; when 30 puts "THIRTY"; when 40 puts "FORTY"; when 50 puts "FIFTY"; else puts "Unknown number"; end




In the above program, we created case blocks. Here case 30 matched based on the given value and printed the " THIRTY".

Program 3:

case 40 when 80-10 puts "SEVENTY"; when 80-20 puts "SIXTY"; when 80-30 puts "FIFTY"; when 80-40 puts "FORTY"; when 80-50 puts "THIRTY"; else puts "Unknown number"; end




In the above program, we created case blocks. Here, the case 40 matched based on the given value and printed the "FORTY".

Program 4:

case 40 else puts "Unknown number"; when 10 puts "TEN"; when 20 puts "TWENTY"; when 30 puts "THIRTY"; when 40 puts "FORTY"; when 50 puts "FIFTY"; end


HelloWorld.rb:2: syntax error, unexpected keyword_else, expecting keyword_when
HelloWorld.rb:4: syntax error, unexpected keyword_when, expecting end-of-input
    when 10


The above program will generate errors because we can use "else" at the end of the "case" statement only. The correct program is given below:

case 40 when 10 puts "TEN"; when 20 puts "TWENTY"; when 30 puts "THIRTY"; when 40 puts "FORTY"; when 50 puts "FIFTY"; else puts "Unknown number"; end # Output: FORTY

Program 5:

case 43 when 11..20 puts "Number is within the range of 11 to 20"; when 21..30 puts "Number is within the range of 21 to 30"; when 31..40 puts "Number is within the range of 31 to 40"; when 41..50 puts "Number is within the range of 41 to 50"; else puts "Unknown number"; end


Number is within the range of 41 to 50


In the above program, we created case blocks. Here, the case 41..50 matched the given number with range, and print the appropriate message.

Ruby Find Output Programs »

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