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Ruby program to calculate the volume and area of Sphere
Ruby Example: Write a program to calculate the volume and area of Sphere.
Submitted by Nidhi, on November 30, 2021
Problem Solution:
In this program, we will read the radius of Sphere from the user. Then we will calculate the volume and surface area of the Sphere and print the result.
Program/Source Code:
The source code to calculate the volume and area of Sphere is given below. The given program is compiled and executed successfully.
# Ruby program to calculate the
# volume and area of Sphere
area =0.0;
print "Enter radius: ";
radius = gets.chomp.to_f;
volume = (4.0 / 3.0) * (3.14) * radius* radius* radius;
area = 4.0 * (3.14) * radius* radius;
print "Volume of Sphere is: ",volume;
print "\nArea of Sphere is: ",area;
Enter radius: 4.56
Volume of Sphere is: 396.9747763199999
Area of Sphere is: 261.16761599999995
In the above program, we created three variables radius, volume, and area, that are initialized with 0.0. Then we read the radius of Sphere from the user and calculated the surface area and volume of Sphere using the standard formula. After that, we printed the result.
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