What is RDBMS?

Here, we are going to learn about the RDBMS - what is RDBMS along with its features, advantages and disadvantages.
Submitted by IncludeHelp, on November 08, 2020

The concept of RDBMS is associated with DBMS (Database Management System). An interconnected array of similar files is a database structure, together with specifics of the description of the data stored in it. DBMS is an S/W framework that enables access to database-contained data. The purpose of the DBMS is to provide the information stored in the database with a simple and efficient means of identifying, storing, and retrieving it.

RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) is an advanced version of DBMS which is used to store the data in the form of records. In RDBMS, whole data stores in tabular form. It means, RDBMS contains multiple tables and all these tables are connected using some set of rules. These rules identify a relationship between the tables and on behalf of this relationship tables are joined with one another. This relationship is a significant concept of RDBMS that's why we call it a relational database management system.

RDBMS is a special DBMS that is based on a relational model defined by E.F.Codd. The Data in RDBMS is stored in the form of a grid i.e. rows and columns. The relations among tables also exist in the form of the table.

RDBMS data is structured into tables, fields, and records in the database. Each RDBMS table consists of rows of table databases. Each row of the database table consists of one or more fields of the table database. RDBMS stores data in the collection of tables that may be related to common fields (columns of the database table). RDBMS also allows relational operators to manipulate the stored data in the tables of the database. Most RDBMS use SQL as a query language for databases. MS SQL Server, DB2, Oracle, and MySQL are the most common RDBMSs.

Advantages of RDBMS

The key advantages that are as follows –

  1. Prevents Data Redundancy: Data Redundancy in DBMS is prevalent. However, to prevent any data redundancies, RDBMS uses keys and indexes in the table.
  2. Maintainability of the Database: It gives basic usability. It enables database managers to easily manage, monitor, update, and insert data into the database.
  3. Flexibility: Does this RDBMS feature save a lot of time as it is necessary to update data in one place?
  4. Table Normalization: In the RDBMS method, you can normalise tables so that they obey the correct row and column layout.
  5. Data Sorting: DBMS does not follow any information sorting guidelines, while RDBMS has a set of defined data sorting guidelines.
  6. Distributed Database Support: DBMS does not support distributed databases, but distributed databases are provided by RDBMS.
  7. Multi User Support: Multiple users can work parallel in RDMS.
  8. Data Integrity: DBMS does not have any data integrity security, while RDBMS defines atomicity, accuracy, isolation, and longevity constraints of data integrity.
  9. Modification of Data: In DBMS, modification of data is complex, while in DBMS it is quite simple.
  10. Transaction management: In DBMS, transaction management is insecure and susceptible to error. It is effective and secure for RDBMS.

Disadvantages of RDBMS

  1. Slow: This database has a slow extraction of results as compared to other databases, thus making it a slower database.
  2. Memory space: The database uses tables of rows and columns that use a great deal of physical memory, which is a database disadvantage.

RDBMS features

The key features of RDBMS are as follows -

  • It provides information which is to be contained in table.
  • Data persists in the form of rows and column.
  • It provides the facility to classify the record uniquely form a large database.
  • Build indexes for faster retrieval of data.
  • Provides the construction of a virtual table on which you can store critical data and apply a simpler query.
  • It relates two or more tables using foreign key.
  • Allows functionality for various users that can be managed by individual users.
  • RDBMS offers a huge security.
  • The table structure can be easily understood by the users.
  • It allows these users to access and manipulate the data in a convenient and effective manner.

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