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Explain the E-R Model in RDBMS
In this tutorial, we are going to learn about the E-R Model in RDBMS and its key components.
Submitted by IncludeHelp, on November 08, 2020
ER model stands for entity relationship model. It is a logical model which portrays the logical design of a database with the help of a relationship diagram, which is known as Entity Relationship Diagram (ER Diagram). Before understanding this model very well, it is very important to know its components and the key components of ER model are as follows -
It is an object defined as table in the database which holds specific data in it. Table name in the database is treated as an entity. Each and every entity has their properties to define it, which also called its attributes. In ER diagram, an entity represents in rectangular box.
For example, in school database student table can be an entity.
Attribute is a property of an entity. In ERD, attributes represents' in the Oval shape.
Attribute types - there are four types of attributes:
- Key attribute
- Composite attribute
- Multivalued attribute
- Derived attribute
Relationship defined as the associations between related entities. In ER diagram, relationship is represented through diamond shape which shows the relationship among entities. There are four types of relationships:
- One to One
- One to Many
- Many to One
- Many to Many
The shapes used to make an ER diagram
Shape |
Shape Name |
Purpose |
Rectangle |
Represents Entity sets |
Ellipse |
Attributes |
Diamond |
Relationship |
Lines |
To link attributes to entity sets and entity sets to relationship set |
Double Ellipses |
Multivalued attributes |
Dashed Ellipses |
Derived Attributes |
Double Rectangles |
Weak Entity Sets |
Double Lines |
Total participation of an entity in a relationship set |
Facts about ER Diagram Model:
- ER model facilitates to make database and its relational design
- It is a graphical representation for modeling data
- It is most widely used to design the logical structure of a database
- It helps to identify the entities and their relationships.