Python program to input a string and find total number of letters and digits

Here, we are going to learn how to find the total number of letters and digits in a given string in Python programming language? By IncludeHelp Last updated : February 25, 2024

Problem statement

Given a string str1 and we have to count the total numbers of letters and digits.


"Hello World!"
Letters: 10
Digits: 0

Letters: 5
Digits: 3

Using Loop By Checking Each Character

(Manual) By checking each character of the string with a range of the letters and numbers using the conditional statement.

print("Input a string: ")
str1 = input()

no_of_letters, no_of_digits = 0,0

for c in str1:
    if (c>='a' and c<='z') or (c>='A' and c<='Z'):
        no_of_letters += 1
    if c>='0' and c<='9':
        no_of_digits += 1

print("Input string is: ", str1)
print("Total number of letters: ", no_of_letters)
print("Total number of digits: ", no_of_digits)


RUN 1:
Input a string: 
Hello World!
Input string is:  Hello World!
Total number of letters:  10
Total number of digits:  0

RUN 2:
Input a string: 
Input string is:  Hello@123
Total number of letters:  5
Total number of digits:  3

Using isalpha() and isnumeric() Methods

By using isalpha() and isnumeric() methods

print("Input a string: ")
str1 = input()

no_of_letters, no_of_digits = 0,0

for c in str1:
  no_of_letters += c.isalpha()
  no_of_digits += c.isnumeric()

print("Input string is: ", str1)
print("Total number of letters: ", no_of_letters)
print("Total number of digits: ", no_of_digits)


RUN 1:
Input a string: 
Hello World!
Input string is:  Hello World!
Total number of letters:  10
Total number of digits:  0

RUN 2:
Input a string: 
Input string is:  Hello@123
Total number of letters:  5
Total number of digits:  3

To understand the above programs, you should have the basic knowledge of the following Python topics:

Python String Programs »


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