Python program to print the binary value of the numbers from 1 to N

Here, we are implementing a python program that will input the value of N and prints the binary values from the numbers from 1 to N.
Submitted by IncludeHelp, on June 24, 2019

Problem statement

Given N (input from the user) and we have to print the binary value of all numbers starting from 1 to N.

Printing binary value

To print binary value of a given integer, we use bin() function it accepts the number as an argument and returns the binary value.


Consider the below example without sample input and output:

n = 5

Binary value of  1  is:  0b1
Binary value of  2  is:  0b10
Binary value of  3  is:  0b11
Binary value of  4  is:  0b100
Binary value of  5  is:  0b101

Python program to print the binary value of the numbers from 1 to N

# Python program to print the binary value 
# of the numbers from 1 to N

# input the value of N
n = int(input("Enter the value of N: "))

# printing the binary value from 1 to N
for i in range(1, n+1):
    print("Binary value of ", i, " is: ", bin(i))


The output of the above program is:

First run:
Enter the value of N: 5
Binary value of  1  is:  0b1
Binary value of  2  is:  0b10
Binary value of  3  is:  0b11
Binary value of  4  is:  0b100
Binary value of  5  is:  0b101	

Second run:
Enter the value of N: 11
Binary value of  1  is:  0b1
Binary value of  2  is:  0b10
Binary value of  3  is:  0b11
Binary value of  4  is:  0b100
Binary value of  5  is:  0b101
Binary value of  6  is:  0b110
Binary value of  7  is:  0b111
Binary value of  8  is:  0b1000
Binary value of  9  is:  0b1001
Binary value of  10  is:  0b1010
Binary value of  11  is:  0b1011

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