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List Operations in Python - II
Learn: In this article, we will going to discuss about various list operations as updating, deleting, and other functions and methods to accommodate list elements (with examples).
Submitted by Abhishek Jain, on October 12, 2017
In the previous article, we have discussed about the accessing, traversing and appending operations associated with the lists. To better understand this please go through the previous one Lists Operations in Python-I.
4) Updating List Elements
Updating of an element of the list is, accomplished by accessing the element & modifying its value in place. In python, it is possible to modify a single element (by using index to access single element) or a part of list (using list slice).
Example: Let's update a slice
>>> L= [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
>>> L [1:2] = [10, 20]
>>> print L
[1, 10, 20, 4, 5, 6]
As lists are sequences, they support many operations of strings. Operator +&* results in concatenation & repetition of lists. '+' operator in lists expects the same type of sequence on both sides otherwise throws a type error.
>>> L= [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]
>>> L2=L+L1
>>> print L2
[10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 'C', 'C++', 'Java', 'Python']
['Hi!', 'Hi!', 'Hi!']
5) Deleting List Elements
There are many ways to delete/remove element(s) from the list:
- We can use pop() or del, if index is known.
- If the element is known, remove() can be used.
- To remove more than one element, del() with list slice can be used.
i) pop()
It pops out/removes the element from the given index, and return the element which wasremoved.
List.pop ([index])
>>> L1= ["C","C++","Java","Python"]
>>> L1.pop(2)
>>> print L1
['C', 'C++', 'Python']
del removes the specified value from the list, but does not return the deleted element.
>>> L1= ["C","C++","Java","Python"]
>>> del L1[3]
>>> print L1
ii) remove()
If we know the element to be deleted but not the index of the element, then remove () can be used.
>>> L= [23, 34, 24, 56, 89]
>>> L.remove (34) #will remove the value 90 from the list
>>> print L1
[23, 24, 56, 89]
iii) del() with slicing
>>> L= [1,2,3,4,5,6]
>>> del L1[2:4] #will delete 2 and 3 index element from the list
>>> print L1
[1, 2, 5, 6]
6) Other functions & methods
i) insert( )
This list method allows us to insert a value,at the given position or at the specified index,and the remaining elements gets shifted to accommodate the new element. Insert method takes two arguments -indexand item.
list. insert (index, item)
>>> L1= [29, 78, 45, 12, 1, 23]
>>> L1.insert (3, 90)
>>> print L1
[29, 78, 45, 90, 12, 1, 23]
If the specified index is less than zero, the item is inserted at the beginning of the list and if the given index is greater than the length of the list , the item is inserted at the last.
>>> L1.insert(10, 2)
>>> print L1
>>> L1.insert(-2, 50)
>>> print L1
[29, 78, 45, 90, 12, 1, 23, 2]
[50, 29, 78, 45, 90, 12, 1, 23, 2]
ii) reverse()
This method can be used to reverse the elements of the list. It does not return anything.
list.reverse ( )
>>> L1.reverse()
>>> print L1
[2, 23, 1, 12, 90, 45, 78, 29, 50]
iii) sort()
For arranging elements in a fashion, Python provides a method sort() and a function sorted(). sort() arrange or modifies the list in place and sorted() returns a new sorted list.
list.sort ([cmp,[key,[reverse]]])
Parameters mentioned in [ ] are optional. These parameters allow us to customize the method.
1) Example
>>> L1.sort ( )
>>> print L1
[1, 2, 12, 23, 29, 45, 50, 78, 90]
2) Example
>>> L2= ["Ruby", "C", "Java","C++", "Python"]
>>> L2.sort ( )
>>> print L2
['C', 'C++', 'Java', 'Python’, 'Ruby']
3) Example
>>> L2.sort (key=len)
>>> print L2
['C', 'C++', 'Java', 'Ruby', 'Python']