How to add x and y labels to a pandas plot?

Given a Pandas plot, we have to add x and y labels. By Pranit Sharma Last updated : September 20, 2023

Problem statement

Given a Pandas plot, we have to add x and y labels.

Adding x and y labels to a pandas plot

For this purpose, we will use set_xlabel() and set_ylabel() methods by providing the label names. The set_xlabel() defines/sets the label of the x-axis and the set_ylabel() defines/sets the label of the y-axis. Consider the below-given syntaxes,

set_xlabel('label name')
set_ylabel('label name')

To work with pandas, we need to import pandas package first, below is the syntax:

import pandas as pd

Let us understand with the help of an example.

Python program to add x and y labels to a pandas plot

# Importing pandas package
import pandas as pd

# creating a dictionary 
d = {

# Now we will create DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(d)

# Viewing the DataFrame
print("Original DataFrame:\n",df,"\n\n")

plot = df.plot(lw=2, colormap='jet', marker='.', markersize=10,
         title='Players and their runs')




The output of the above program is:

Example: Add x and y labels to a pandas plot

Python Pandas Programs »


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