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Find small number between two numbers using Lambda function in Python
Learn how to find the small number between two numbers using Lambda function in Python?
Submitted by IncludeHelp, on March 13, 2022
Given two numbers (a, b), we have to find the smallest number.
a = 10, b = 8
Output: 8
a = 20, b = -20
Output: -20
Method 1: Using Lambda Expression and min() Function
Lambda function is an anonymous function - that means the function which does not have any name. And, The min() is an built-in function in Python, which may take N number of arguments and returns the minimum value of its arguments.
Pass the numbers (a and b) to the lambda function and use the min() function to get the small number from a and b.
Python code to find small number using Lambda function and min() function
# Using Lambda function and min() function
small = lambda a, b : min(a,b)
print(small(20, -20))
print(small(10, 8))
print(small(20, 20))
Method 2: Using Lambda Expression and Ternary Operator
Pass the numbers (a and b) to the lambda function and compare them using the ternary operator.
Python code to find small number using Lambda function and ternary operator
# Using Lambda function and Ternary Operator
small = lambda a, b : a if a < b else b
print(small(20, -20))
print(small(10, 8))
print(small(20, 20))
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