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Find minimum value from given parameters using min() in Python

Python min() function with Example: In this article, we are going to learn with an example about min() function which is an in-built function in Python.
Submitted by IncludeHelp, on January 19, 2018

Python - min() function

min() is an in-built function in Python, which may take N number of arguments and returns minimum value of its arguments.

For example, if we provide 3 arguments with the values 20, 10 and 30. min() will return 10 as it is the minimum value among these 3 arguments.


min(arg1, arg2, arg3, ...)

Here, arg1, arg2 and arg3 are the arguments which may integer, string etc.


    Input arguments are: 20, 10, 30
    Output: 10
    Because 10 is the smallest argument here.

    Input arguments are: “ABC”, “PQR”, “Hello”
    Output: “ABC”
    Because “ABC” is the minimum argument according 
    to its length and alphabetically sequences.

Source code:

#Simple example to get min value
#from given arguments 

#this will print 10
print "min(20, 10, 30) : ", min(20, 10, 30)
#this will print ABC
print "min('ABC', 'PQR', 'HELLO') : ", min('ABC', 'PQR', 'HELLO')


min(20, 10, 30) :  10
min('ABC', 'PQR', 'HELLO') :  ABC

Finding smallest/minimum alphabet from given string

Yes! It can also be used to get the alphabet of minimum ASCII value from given string.



In this case, string is an argument. Here, min() will return minimum/smallest alphabet which has lowest ASCII value.

Source code:

#program to get minimum/smallest
#character from given string

#this will return 'H'
print "min('Hello') : ", min('Hello')
#this will return 'E'
print "min('HELLO') : ", min('HELLO')
#this will return 'e'
print "min('hello') : ", min('hello')


min('Hello') :  H
min('HELLO') :  E
min('hello') :  e

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