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Python program to extract unique values from the dictionary
Here, we are going to learn how to extract all unique values from the key-value pairs of the dictionary in Python?
Submitted by Shivang Yadav, on March 25, 2021
A dictionary contains the pair of the keys & values (represents key : value), a dictionary is created by providing the elements within the curly braces ({}), separated by the commas.
In a dictionary, the keys need to be unique but the values mapped can have duplicate values.
Here, we need to print all the unique values from the dictionary.
We have a dictionary consisting of key-value pairs, with duplicate values. We will print all the unique values from the dictionary.
Dictionary =
['scala':1, 'Javascript': 7, 'Python':1, 'C++':5, 'Java':3]
Unique values =
1, 7, 5, 3
To find all the unique values, we will extract all the values of the dictionary. Then to find unique values, we will use set comprehension. And store the unique values to a list using list().
Program to extract unique values from the dictionary
# Python program to shuffle dictionary Values...
# Initialising dictionary
myDict = {'Scala': 2, 'Javascript': 1, 'Python': 8, 'C++': 1, 'Java': 4}
# extracting unique values using set comprehension
uniqueValues = list({val for val in myDict.values() })
# Printing the dictionary and unique values...
print("Dictionary = ", end = " ")
print("Unique Values = ", end = " ")
Dictionary = {'C++': 1, 'Javascript': 1, 'Java': 4, 'Python': 8, 'Scala': 2}
Unique Values = [8, 1, 2, 4]
Python Dictionary Programs »