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Difference Between loc and iloc Properties in Pandas DataFrame
In this tutorial, we will learn about the difference between loc[] and iloc[] properties in Pandas DataFrame with the help of examples.
By Pranit Sharma Last updated : April 12, 2023
pandas.DataFrame.loc Property
The loc[] property is a type of data selection method which takes the name of a row or column as a parameter. To perform various operations using the loc[] property, we need to pass the required condition of rows and columns to get the filtered data.
property DataFrame.loc
# Importing pandas package
import pandas as pd
# Creating a dictionary of student marks
d = {
# Now, Create DataFrame and assign index
# name as subject names
df = pd.DataFrame(d,index=["Maths","Physics","Chemistry","English"])
# Printing the DataFrame
# Selecting a row value where column name
# is Harry and its value is 66
# Selecting a row where column name
# is Peter and its value is 70
Peter Harry Tom John
Maths 65 45 67 56
Physics 70 56 87 78
Chemistry 70 66 65 65
English 75 66 53 64
Peter Harry Tom John
Chemistry 70 66 65 65
English 75 66 53 64
Peter Harry Tom John
Physics 70 56 87 78
Chemistry 70 66 65 65
pandas.DataFrame.iloc Property
The 'i' in iloc[] property stands for index. This is also a data selection method but here, we need to pass the proper index as a parameter to select the required row or column. Index are nothing but the integer value ranging from 0 to n-1 which represents the number of rows or columns. We can perform various operations using iloc[] property. Inside iloc[], the index value of the row comes first followed by the number of columns.
property DataFrame.iloc
# Importing pandas package
import pandas as pd
# Creating a dictionary of student marks
d = {
# Now, Create DataFrame and assign index
# name as subject names
df = pd.DataFrame(d,index=["Maths","Physics","Chemistry","English"])
# Printing the DataFrame
# Selecting 0th & 2nd index rows
print(df.iloc[[0, 2,]])
# Selecting specified rows and
# specified columns
Peter Harry Tom John
Maths 65 45 67 56
Physics 70 56 87 78
Chemistry 70 66 65 65
English 75 66 53 64
Peter Harry Tom John
Maths 65 45 67 56
Chemistry 70 66 65 65
Maths 45
Physics 56
Chemistry 66
Difference Between loc and iloc Properties in Pandas DataFrame
The main difference between .loc and .iloc in Panda DataFrame is that .loc accesses a group of rows and columns by label(s) or a Boolean array. Whereas, .iloc is purely integer-location based indexing for selection by position.
Conclusion (.loc Vs .iloc)
Here, first, we have passed a list of indices which means all those rows which we want to be displayed, and second time, we have passed the sliced index without any list, which means we want the rows from 0 to 2 followed by the columns number 1.
Note: The slicing method does not consider the end value i.e., the value specified after the colon (:).
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