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Python date isoformat() Method with Example
Python date.isoformat() Method: In this tutorial, we will learn about the isoformat() method of date class in Python with its usage, syntax, and examples.
By Hritika Rajput Last updated : April 22, 2023
Python date.isoformat() Method
The date.isoformat() method uses a date class object and returns a string representing the date in ISO 8601 format, YYYY-MM-DD. The International Standard for the representation of dates and times is ISO 8601. It was designed to provide a format of date and time representation free from any ambiguity. The format provides a standard approach and has the following rules:
- Year first, followed by month, then the day, each separated by a hyphen ("-")
- Numbers less than 10 preceded by a leading zero
The following module is required to use isoformat() method:
import datetime
The following class is required to use isoformat() method:
from datetime import date
The following is the syntax of isoformat() method:
The following are the parameter(s):
Return Value
The return type of this method is a string in ISO 8601 format of the date.
Example of date isoformat() Method in Python
## importing date class
from datetime import date
## Creating an instance
x = date.today()
d = x.isoformat()
print("Normal format:",x)
print("ISO 8601 format:", d)
x = date(2020,10,1)
print("Date 2020/10/1 in ISO 8601 format:", x.isoformat())
x = date(200,10,12)
print("Date 200/10/12 in ISO 8601 format:", x.isoformat())
x = date(1,1,1)
print("Date 1/1/1 in ISO 8601 format:", x.isoformat())
Normal format: 2020-04-29
ISO 8601 format: 2020-04-29
Date 2020/10/1 in ISO 8601 format: 2020-10-01
Date 200/10/12 in ISO 8601 format: 0200-10-12
Date 1/1/1 in ISO 8601 format: 0001-01-01