Python program to count occurrence of a word in the given text

Python | Counting word occurrence: Here, we are going to learn how to find the occurrence of a word in the given text/paragraph in Python programming language? By IncludeHelp Last updated : February 25, 2024

Problem statement

Given a text (paragraph) and a word whose occurrence to be found in the text/paragraph, we have to find the how many times word is repeated in the text.


text = "this is a book, this is very popular"
word = "this"

'this' found 2 times.

Python program to count occurrence of a word in the given text

Consider the below program implemented for counting occurrences of just one word in a text.

# Python program to count occurrence 
# of a word in text

# paragraph
text = """Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the 
printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been 
the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s"""

word = "text"
# searching word
count = 0
for w in text.split():
    if w == word:
        count = count + 1
# printing result
print("\'%s\' found %d times." %(word, count))

word = "is"
# searching word
count = 0
for w in text.split():
    if w == word:
        count = count + 1
# printing result
print("\'%s\' found %d times." %(word, count))

word = "Hello"
# searching word
count = 0
for w in text.split():
    if w == word:
        count = count + 1
# printing result
print("\'%s\' found %d times." %(word, count))


'text' found 2 times.
'is' found 1 times.
'Hello' found 0 times.

To understand the above program, you should have the basic knowledge of the following Python topics:

Python String Programs »


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