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Python program to add numbers using Objects
Here, we are going to learn how to add numbers using Objects in Python?
Submitted by Shivang Yadav, on February 16, 2021
Problem statement
Here, we will add numbers created by two objects in Python.
Problem Description
We have used objects consisting of two variables and then added the values of the object.
Objects in Python are instances of class in Python.
Objects in Python are instances of class in Python.
Adding numbers using Objects
We will create objects of class with two variables x and y. And then added the objects and returned their sum.
Python program to add numbers using Objects
class TwoNum:
def getValues(self):
self.__x = int(input("Enter x : "))
self.__y = int(input("Enter y : "))
def printValues(self):
print(self.__x,self.__y, "Sum = " , (self.__x + self.__y) )
def addObjectValues(self,T):
R = TwoNum()
R.__x = self.__x+T.__x
R.__y = self.__y+T.__y
return R
print("For Object 1 : ")
obj1 = TwoNum()
print("For Object 2 : ")
obj2 = TwoNum()
sumObj = obj1.addObjectValues(obj2)
print("Object 1 :",end=" ")
print("Object 2 :", end = " ")
print("Sum Object :", end = " ")
The output of the above program is:
For Object 1 :
Enter x : 43
Enter y : 76
For Object 2 :
Enter x : 12
Enter y : 89
Object 1 : 43 76 Sum = 119
Object 2 : 12 89 Sum = 101
Sum Object : 55 165 Sum = 220
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