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Top 5 most visited pages
Posted on 13 FEB 2017 Under Personal Category
Hello friends, today I am sharing list of 5 top visited pages on IncludeHelp, I started this website on 06th March 2015, and here I sharing traffic stats from 06th March 2015 to 12th February 2017.
Here is the traffic status (from Google Analytics)
Pageviews: 1,84,788
This page is ranking on first position in Google and Bing searches since last 18 months, this page makes website successful.
This page contains category wise solved c programs, advance c programs (programs that contain tough logic, programs for linux and many more). Over all programs count associated with this page are more than 500.
Pageviews: 40,406
This page contains basic input, output related programs and programs on simple calculation. This section is useful for the beginners as they can find many basic programs with the output and explanation.
Pageviews: 36,283
This page contains categories wise C language aptitude questions like basic input/output, if else aptitude, looping attitude, function, pointer etc.
This section is helpful for all guys like beginners, professionals, especially for those who are preparing for campus exams.
Pageviews: 25,107
This page contains solved C++ programs on categories wise and other source codes on miscellaneous topics with output and explanation.
This section is useful for those who want to learn C++ programming by practicing and also useful for students as they can find solved assignment for their college/school.
Pageviews: 24,554
This is the home page of the website; here I am sad and happy too. I am sad because this page should be on top (it is on 5th position that means website is getting more traffic from Google searches) and I am happy because website is getting more than expected traffic from Google searches.
By the way, this page contains links of all major sections; here you will find latest posts (tutorials, source codes, programs, tips and tricks) and some personal blogs.