How to serve a static file in Perl Dancer?

In this tutorial, we will learn how we can serve static files like html in a route using Perl dancer web framework?
Submitted by Godwill Tetah, on December 11, 2020

I will show you how this can be accomplished on Perl dancer. I will create a route where our server will serve a web page on that route when requested.

Let's first get started with our html file. We will set up something simply.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
            body {
                background-color: yellow;
            p {
                color: blueviolet;
            <p>I love dancing with perl dancer</p>

Now let's set up a route where the html file above will be served when a get request is made on that route. Before that, let me explain what happens; Perl dancer looks up the static file in a public folder. But we will set our own location to a folder called static. Create a new folder called static.

You will move the html file to the folder called static. We will then create a route know as index where our html file will be server. This is done using send_file in our perl file.

use Dancer;
set public => path( dirname(__FILE__), '/static' )
  ;    #setting public folder to static folder

get '/' => sub {
    send_file '/index.html';


Run and see output!

Serve a static file in Perl Dancer (1)


Serve a static file in Perl Dancer (2)


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