Linux Mounting and Unmounting File Systems

There are two commands, that are used to mount and un mount the other external devices (file systems). The commands are mount and umount.

mount: mounts the external devices (file systems), also used to view list of mounted devices.

umount: un mounts the external devices (file systems).

Working with Mount and Umount Devices (File Systems)

1. mount

This command is used to view list of all attached (mounted) external devices (external devices).


ih@linux:~$ mount
--list of mounted file systems--

2. mount -t type

To view list of certain type of file systems.


ih@linux:~$ mount -t ext2
--list of mounted ext2 type file systems--

Creating a Mount Point

If you want to attach an external device, just like pen drive, SD card and other media device, you have to mount that particular device in your linux system. You can mount that device with the help of mount command.


mount partition-name mount-point

Mounting (attaching) External Device with a Mounting Point

To mounts (attaches) external device with a mounting point, you can use mount /dev/sdb1 /mmc command.

Here, /dev/sdb1 is the partition name and /mmc is the mouting point (a directory where device is going to be mounted). You can access (read, write) the device from here.


ih@linux:~$ mount
--list of mounted file systems--

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