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Kotlin program to perform arithmetic operations on two numbers
Kotlin | Arithmetic operations: Here, we are going to learn how to perform various arithmetic operations on two numbers in Kotlin?
Submitted by IncludeHelp, on April 15, 2020
Here, we are implementing a Kotlin program to perform various arithmetic operations on two numbers.
Problem statement
Given two numbers a and b, we have to find addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and remainder.
a = 13
b = 5
a + b = 18
a - b = 8
a * b = 65
a / b = 2
a % b = 3
Program to perform arithmetic operations in Kotlin
package com.includehelp.basic
// Main Method Entry Point of Program
fun main(args:Array<String>){
val a = 13
val b = 5
val sum = a + b // Perform Addition
val sub = a - b // Perform Subtraction
val muti = a * b // Perform Multiplication
val div = a / b // Perform Division
val rem = a % b // Perform remainder
// Print on Console
println("Addison of $a and $b is : $sum")
println("Subtraction of $a and $b is : $sub")
println("Multiplication of $a and $b is: $muti")
println("Division of $a and $b is : $div")
println("Remainder of $a and $b is : $rem")
Addison of 13 and 5 is : 18
Subtraction of 13 and 5 is : 8
Multiplication of 13 and 5 is: 65
Division of 13 and 5 is : 2
Remainder of 13 and 5 is : 3