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Kotlin program to find area of Pentagon
Kotlin | Area of Pentagon: Here, we are going to implement a Kotlin program to find the area of Pentagon.
Submitted by IncludeHelp, on May 22, 2020
Problem statement
Given the value of Side and Apothem, we have to find the area of Pentagon.
side= 5
apothem = 6
area = 75.0
Kotlin - Find area of Pentagon
Formula to find area of Pentagon: = (5/2)sa, where
- s - Side of Pentagon
- a - Apothem of Pentagon
Program to find area of Pentagon in Kotlin
package com.includehelp
import java.util.*
//Main Function , Entry point of Program
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
//Input Stream
val scanner = Scanner(System.`in`)
//Input Side
print("Enter Side of Pentagon : ")
val s = scanner.nextDouble()
//Input Apothem
print("Enter Apothem of Pentagon : ")
val a = scanner.nextDouble()
//Area of Pentagon
val areaPentagon = (5.0/2.0)*s*a
//Print Area
println("Pentagon Area is :$areaPentagon")
Run 1:
Run 1:
Enter Side of Pentagon : 5
Enter Apothem of Pentagon : 6
Pentagon Area is :75.0
Run 2:
Enter Side of Pentagon : 8
Enter Apothem of Pentagon : 6
Pentagon Area is :120.0