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Kotlin program | Example of Properties Getter and Setter Methods
Kotlin | Properties Getter and Setter Methods: Here, we are implementing a Kotlin program to demonstrate the example of properties getter and setter methods.
Submitted by IncludeHelp, on June 12, 2020
Properties Getter and Setter Methods
Program to demonstrate the example of Properties Getter and Setter Methods in Kotlin
package com.includehelp
// Declare class,
class America{
// Declare property with initial value
var city:String = "NewYork"
// Auto Generated getter and setter
// Declare class,
class India{
// Declare property with initial value
var city:String = "Delhi"
// define optional getter and setter
get() = field // Getter
set(value) { // Setter
// Declare class, define optional getter and setter
class China{
// Declare property with initial value
var city:String = "Wuhan"
// private setter, cant set value from outside the class
private set
// member function to set property
fun setCity(city:String){
// declare class, with customized getter and setter
class Japan{
// Declare property with initial value
var city:String = "Tokyo"
// Getter of property
get() = field.toUpperCase()
//setter of Property
set(value) {
field="Modern City $value"
// Main function, entry Point of Program
fun main(){
// create Instance
val america=America()
america.city="Alsakaaa" // access setter
println("America : ${america.city}") // access getter
// create Instance
val india=India()
india.city="Mumbai" // access setter
println("India : ${india.city}") // access getter
// create Instance
val china=China()
// Try to access private setter, leads to compile time error
// china.city="Beijing"
// Set City by calling member function
println("China : ${china.city}") // access getter
// create Instance
val japan=Japan()
india.city="Quoto" // access setter
println("Japan : ${india.city}") // access getter
America : Alsakaaa
India : Mumbai
China : Beijing
Japan : Quoto