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Kotlin program | Example of Overriding Properties
Kotlin | Overriding Properties: Here, we are implementing a Kotlin program to demonstrate the example of overriding properties.
Submitted by IncludeHelp, on June 08, 2020
Overriding Properties
- Overriding properties works similarly to overriding methods.
- Superclass properties, that are redeclared in derived class must be prefaced with 'override'.
- Also, override val property with var but not vice versa. You can use override in property declaration in a primary constructor.
- By default properties are final in Kotlin class, to make them overridable declare the method with 'open'
Program to demonstrate the example of overriding properties in Kotlin
package com.includehelp
// Declare Base class , marked with 'open'
// to make inheritable
open class ABC{
// marked property with 'open'
// to make overridable
open val a=10
init {
println("Init Block : Base Class")
println("Value : $a")
// Derived class extends Base class
open class XYZ: ABC() {
// Override base class property
override var a=15
init {
println("Init Block : Child Class 1")
// Derived class with primary constructor
// Override base class property as
// parameter in primary constructor
class PQR(override var a:Int): XYZ() {
init {
println("Init Block : Child Class 2")
println("Value : $a")
// Access Super class value of
// property using super keyword
println("Super class value : ${super.a}")
// Main function, Entry Point of program
fun main(args: Array<String>){
// Create Instance of PQR class
val abc:ABC = PQR(20)
Init Block : Base Class
Value : 0
Init Block : Child Class 1
Init Block : Child Class 2
Value : 20
Super class value : 15