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Kotlin program | Example of Interface
Kotlin | Example of Interface: Here, we are implementing a Kotlin program to demonstrate the example of interface.
Submitted by IncludeHelp, on June 08, 2020
- Kotlin interfaces can contain abstracts methods as well as concrete methods(methods with implementations).
- Kotlin interfaces can have properties but these need to be abstract or to provide accessor implementations.
- Interfaces cannot store state, which makes them different from abstract classes.
- Kotlin methods and properties by default abstract, if no implementation provided.
- Kotlin's class can implement one or more interfaces.
Program demonstrate the example of Interface in Kotlin
package com.includehelp
// Declare Interface
interface Organization{
// Abstract Property
val age:Int
// Property with accessor implementations
val name:String
get() = "Trump"
// interface method with implementations
fun printAge(){
println("Age : $age")
// abstract method
fun getSalary(salary:Int)
// class implements interface
class Manager:Organization{
// override interface abstract property
override val age=32
// Override interface abstracts method
override fun getSalary(salary: Int) {
println("Your Salary : $salary")
// Main function, Entry Point of Program
fun main(){
// Create instance of class
val organization=Manager()
// Call function
// Call function
// Access properties
println("Name : ${organization.name}")
Age : 32
Your Salary : 10000
Name : Trump