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Kotlin program | Example of Init in a Class
Kotlin | Init in a Class: Here, we are implementing a Kotlin program to demonstrate the example of init in a class.
Submitted by IncludeHelp, on June 08, 2020
'init' keyword
- The primary constructor does not contain any code, so the initialization code can be placed in the initializer block.
- Initializer block prefixed with init keyword.
- There can be multiple init blocks in a class.
- The initializer blocks execute the same order, as they appear in the class body.
- Code inside the init blocks executed when class is instantiated.
- All initializer blocks and property initializer is executed before the secondary constructor body.
Program demonstrate the example of Init in a Class in Kotlin
package com.includehelp
// Declaring Class with one Parameter
// in Primary Constructor
class AutoMobile(model:String){
// Declare Property
private var model:String?=null
// Initializer Block
println("First initializer Block ")
// Property initialization in init block
// Property initialization in class body
private val modelInUpper=model.toUpperCase()
// Kotlin allow printing properties in the declaration
// itself by using the also function
private val modelLen = "Model Len: ${model.length}".also(::println)
// Second Init Block
println("Second initializer Block ")
println("Model in Upper : $modelInUpper")
// Member Function
fun printModel(){
println("Model : $model")
// Main, Function, Entry Point of Program
fun main(args: Array<String>){
// Create Class Object
val auto = AutoMobile("honda")
// Call Method on AutoMobile Object
// Create Class Object
val maruti = AutoMobile("maruti suzuki")
// Call Method on AutoMobile Object
First initializer Block
Model Len: 5
Second initializer Block
Model in Upper : HONDA
Model : honda
First initializer Block
Model Len: 13
Second initializer Block
Model in Upper : MARUTI SUZUKI
Model : maruti suzuki