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Kotlin program | Example of inheritance
Kotlin | Inheritance: Here, we are implementing a Kotlin program to demonstrate the example of inheritance.
Submitted by IncludeHelp, on June 03, 2020
- Inheritance is a mechanism wherein a new class is derived from an existing class.
All Kotlin Classes have a common Superclass 'Any', it is the Default Superclass with no Super Type declared.
class Student // implicitly inherits from Any
'Any' Class has three methods
- equals()
- hashCode()
- toString()
These methods available for all Kotlin class implicitly.
- By Default All class is Final in Kotlin, They can't be inherited.
Use 'open' keyword, to make class inheritable,
open class <class name> // make class inheritable
To declare explicit supertype, placer base class name after colon into the class header.
open class Base{}
class Derived : Base{}
Program for Inheritance in Kotlin
package com.includehelp
//Declare class, use 'open' keyword
//to make class inheritable
//Class without declare primary constructor
open class Company{
//member function
fun getCompany(){
println("Base Methods : Company Info")
//Declare class using inheritance
class Department : Company() {
//member function
fun getDept(){
println("Derived Method : Dept Info")
//Declare class, use 'open' keyword
//to make class inheritable
open class Shape(val a:Int){
fun getBaseValue(){
println("Base value : $a")
//if derived class has primary constructor
//then base class can initialized there
//using primary constructor parameters
class Circle(val b:Int): Shape(b) {
fun getChildValue(){
println("Child value : $b")
//Main Function, Entry point of program
fun main(args:Array<String>){
//create derived class object
val company = Department()
//access base class function
//access derived class function
//create derived class object and passed parameter
val shape = Circle(20)
//access base class function
//access derived class function
Base Methods : Company Info
Derived Method : Dept Info
Base value : 20
Child value : 20