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Kotlin program | Example of abstract class
Kotlin | Abstract Class Example: Here, we are implementing a Kotlin program to demonstrate the example of abstract class.
Submitted by IncludeHelp, on June 03, 2020
Abstract Class
- Use the abstract keyword to mark the class as an abstract class.
- An abstract class can't be Instantiated.but they can be subclassed.
- An abstract class is by default inheritable not need to mark with 'open'.
- Abstract members( (properties and function ) is by default 'open'
- Members (properties and function ) of an abstract class can be abstract or non-abstract, to mark them abstract explicitly use abstract keyword
- An abstract member does not have an implementation in its class.
- If any members of the class is abstract then the class must be declared as abstract class.
Program for abstract class in Kotlin
package com.includehelp
//Declare abstract class
abstract class PaintSheet {
//abstract property without value
abstract var value:Int
//Init Block of Base Class
init {
println("Init Block, Base Class")
//marked function with 'open' to make overridable
open fun paint(){
println("Paint Method , Base Class Implementation")
//final method, so cant be override in subclass
fun sketch(){
println("Sketch Method , From Base Class!")
//Abstract method, without implementation
abstract fun draw()
//declare sub class extendign super class
class Painting : PaintSheet() {
//override abstract property in subclass
override var value=10
//Init Block , Sub class
init {
println("Init Block, Child Class")
//Call Super class implementation of Paint method
//implement base class abstract method
override fun draw(){
println("draw Method , override in Child Class")
//Override method, provide different implementation
override fun paint(){
println("Paint Method , Child Class Implementation")
//Declare Method to print Property value
fun printValue(){
println("Value : $value")
//Main Function, Entry Point of Program
fun main(args:Array<String>){
//create instance of Painting class (Child class)
val paint = Painting()
//call draw method
//call paint method
//call sketch method
//Call printValue method
Init Block, Base Class
Init Block, Child Class
Paint Method , Base Class Implementation
draw Method , override in Child Class
Paint Method , Child Class Implementation
Sketch Method , From Base Class!
Value : 10