Kotlin program to convert temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius

Kotlin: Conversion from Fahrenheit to Celsius: Here, we are implementing a Kotlin program to convert temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius. Submitted by IncludeHelp, on May 12, 2020

Kotlin - Convert temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius

Given temperature in Fahrenheit, we have to convert it into Celsius


Fahrenheit = 67

Celsius = 19.444444444444443

Program to convert temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius in Kotlin

package com.includehelp import java.util.* //Main Function , Entry point of Program fun main(args: Array<String>) { //Input Stream val scanner = Scanner(System.`in`) //Input temperature in Fahrenheit print("Enter temperature into Fahrenheit : ") val fahrenheit = scanner.nextDouble() //Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius val celsius =( (fahrenheit - 32 ) * 5)/9 //Print temperature in Celsius println("Temperature in Fahrenheit ($fahrenheit) = Celsius ($celsius)") }


Output will be:
Run 1:
Enter temperature into Fahrenheit : 67
Temperature in Fahrenheit (67.0) = Celsius (19.444444444444443)
Run 2:
Enter temperature into Fahrenheit : 78
Temperature in Fahrenheit (78.0) = Celsius (25.555555555555557)

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