Kotlin Tutorial
Kotlin is a cross-platform, statically typed, general-purpose programming language, this programming language was developed by JetBrains. Kotlin programming targets JVM, Android, JavaScript, and Native.
What is Kotlin programming language?
Kotlin is statically typed Language means type checking is done at compile time. It runs on JVM (Java virtual machine) and requires less code to do the specific task as compared to java. Its code is more expressive than java and supports more feature than java like operator overloading (absent in java), lambda expressions etc.
Why Kotlin Is Used?
We can develop Java Applications, Android Applications, Web Applications and native applications using Kotlin. So we can say it is a multiplatform Language.
Kotlin Tutorial Index
- Kotlin Introduction
- Kotlin Run Guide
- Kotlin Basics
- Kotlin Ranges
- Kotlin Conditional Statements
- Kotlin Functions
- Kotlin Loops
- Kotlin Arrays
- Kotlin Classes & Objects
- Kotlin Inheritance & Function Overriding
- Kotlin Abstract Classes
- Kotlin Interfaces
- Kotlin Data Classes
- Kotlin Collections
- Kotlin Collections Utility
- Kotlin Type Checks
- Kotlin Static Variables and Methods
Android with Kotlin
- Kotlin Setup in Android Studio
- Kotlin First App
- Kotlin Android Extension
- Kotlin OnClickListeners
Kotlin Programs