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Finding the type of the value/variable in Julia

In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to find the type of a value/variable in Julia programming language?
Submitted by IncludeHelp, on March 27, 2020

To find the type of a variable/value, we use the typeof() function – it accepts a parameter whose type to be found and returns its data type.

Example 1:

name = "Mark"
age = 21

# printing the type of the values
println("typeof(\"Mark\"): ", typeof("Mark"))
println("typeof(21): ", typeof(21))

# printing the type of the variables
println("typeof(name): ", typeof(name))
println("typeof(age): ", typeof(age))


typeof("Mark"): String
typeof(21): Int64
typeof(name): String
typeof(age): Int64

Example 2:

# variables
a = 10
b = 10.23
c = 'c'
d = "Hello"
e = true
f = false
g = 0
h = 0.0

# printing the type of the variables
println("typeof(a): ", typeof(a))
println("typeof(b): ", typeof(b))
println("typeof(c): ", typeof(c))
println("typeof(d): ", typeof(d))
println("typeof(e): ", typeof(e))
println("typeof(f): ", typeof(f))
println("typeof(g): ", typeof(g))


typeof(a): Int64
typeof(b): Float64
typeof(c): Char
typeof(d): String
typeof(e): Bool
typeof(f): Bool
typeof(g): Int64

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