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Java SimpleTimeZone setEndRule() Method with Example
SimpleTimeZone Class setEndRule() method: Here, we are going to learn about the setEndRule() method of SimpleTimeZone Class with its syntax and example.
Submitted by Preeti Jain, on March 12, 2020
SimpleTimeZone Class setEndRule() method
public void setEndRule(int en_mm, int en_dd, int en_time);
public void setEndRule(int en_mm, int en_dd, int en_dow, int en_time);
public void setEndRule(int en_mm, int en_dd,int en_dow, int en_time, boolean status);
- setEndRule() method is available in java.util package.
- setEndRule(int en_mm, int en_dd, int en_time) method is used to set the ending rule of DST(Daylight Savings Time) to the given fixed date (dd) in a month.
- setEndRule(int en_mm, int en_dd,int en_dow, int en_time) method is used to set the end rule of DST(Daylight Savings Time).
- setEndRule(int en_mm, int en_dd, int en_dow, int en_time, boolean status) method is used to set the ending rule of DST(Daylight Savings Time) to the earlier weekday (dow) or after the given date (dd) in a month.
- These methods may throw an exception at the time of setting end rule.
IllegalArgumentException: This exception may throw when any one of the parameters is not in a range.
- These are non-static methods and it is accessible with the class object only and if we try to access these methods with the class name then we will get an error.
In the first case, setEndRule(int en_mm, int en_dd,int en_time)
- int en_mm – represents the DST ending month.
- int en_dd – represents the DST ending day of month.
- int en_time – represents the DST ending time.
In the second case, setEndRule(int en_mm, int en_dd,int en_dow,int en_time),
- int en_mm – represents the DST ending month.
- int en_dd – represents the DST ending day of month.
- int en_dow – represents DST last day of week.
- int en_time – represents the DST ending time.
In the second case, setEndRule(int en_mm, int en_dd,int en_dow,int en_time,boolean status),
- int en_mm – represents the DST ending month.
- int en_dd – represents the DST ending day of month.
- int en_dow – represents DST last day of week.
- int en_time – represents the DST ending time.
- boolean status – sets to true then this rule selects first en_dow on or after en_dd otherwise this rule selects last en_dow on or before en_dd.
Return value:
In all cases, the return type of the method is void – It returns nothing.
// Java program to demonstrate the example
// of setEndRule() method of SimpleTimeZone
import java.util.*;
public class SetEndRuleOfSimpleTimeZone {
public static void main(String args[]) {
// Instantiates SimpleTimeZone object
SimpleTimeZone s_tz1 = new SimpleTimeZone(360, "FRANCE");
SimpleTimeZone s_tz2 = new SimpleTimeZone(760, "JAPAN");
SimpleTimeZone s_tz3 = new SimpleTimeZone(39800000, "US",
Calendar.APRIL, 6, -Calendar.MONDAY, 7200000, Calendar.OCTOBER, -1,
Calendar.MONDAY, 7200000, 3600000);
// By using setEndRule() method is used to
// set the DST end rule to a constant date
s_tz1.setEndRule(Calendar.JUNE, Calendar.MONDAY, 3800000);
// By using setEndRule() method is used to
// set the DST end rule to a weekday before
// or after the given date
s_tz2.setEndRule(Calendar.JUNE, Calendar.MONDAY, 2, 3800000, false);
// By using setEndRule() method is used to
// set the DST end rule
s_tz3.setEndRule(Calendar.JUNE, Calendar.MONDAY, 2, 3800000);
// Display SimpleTimeZone
System.out.print("s_tz1.setEndRule(Calendar.JUNE, Calendar.MONDAY,3800000): ");
System.out.print("s_tz2.setEndRule(Calendar.JUNE, Calendar.MONDAY,3800000,false): ");
System.out.print("s_tz3.setEndRule(Calendar.JUNE, Calendar.MONDAY,2,3800000): ");
s_tz1.setEndRule(Calendar.JUNE, Calendar.MONDAY,3800000): java.util.SimpleTimeZone[id=FRANCE,offset=360,dstSavings=3600000,useDaylight=false,startYear=0,startMode=0,startMonth=0,startDay=0,startDayOfWeek=0,startTime=0,startTimeMode=0,endMode=1,endMonth=5,endDay=2,endDayOfWeek=0,endTime=3800000,endTimeMode=0]
s_tz2.setEndRule(Calendar.JUNE, Calendar.MONDAY,3800000,false): java.util.SimpleTimeZone[id=FRANCE,offset=360,dstSavings=3600000,useDaylight=false,startYear=0,startMode=0,startMonth=0,startDay=0,startDayOfWeek=0,startTime=0,startTimeMode=0,endMode=1,endMonth=5,endDay=2,endDayOfWeek=0,endTime=3800000,endTimeMode=0]
s_tz3.setEndRule(Calendar.JUNE, Calendar.MONDAY,2,3800000): java.util.SimpleTimeZone[id=FRANCE,offset=360,dstSavings=3600000,useDaylight=false,startYear=0,startMode=0,startMonth=0,startDay=0,startDayOfWeek=0,startTime=0,startTimeMode=0,endMode=1,endMonth=5,endDay=2,endDayOfWeek=0,endTime=3800000,endTimeMode=0]