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Java RandomAccessFile writeBoolean() Method with Example
RandomAccessFile Class writeBoolean() method: Here, we are going to learn about the writeBoolean() method of RandomAccessFile Class with its syntax and example.
Submitted by Preeti Jain, on March 23, 2020
RandomAccessFile Class writeBoolean() method
- writeBoolean() method is available in java.io package.
- writeBoolean() method is used to write the given Boolean value (val) to the file as 1 byte and in terms of boolean value byte, 1 indicates true whereas byte 0 indicates false.
- writeBoolean() method is a non-static method, it is accessible with the class object only and if we try to access the method with the class name then we will get an error.
- writeBoolean() method may throw an exception at the time of writing boolean value.
IOException: This exception may throw an exception while performing input/output operation.
public final void writeBoolean(boolean val);
- boolean val – represents the boolean value to write.
Return value:
The return type of this method is void, it returns nothing.
// Java program to demonstrate the example
// of void writeBoolean(boolean val) method of
// RandomAccessFile
import java.io.*;
class RAFWriteBoolean {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// Instantiate a random access file
// object with file name and permissions
RandomAccessFile ra_f = new RandomAccessFile("e:/includehelp.txt", "rw");
// By using writeBoolean() method is to
// write boolean to the file as 1 byte
// by using seek() method is to
// set the current file indicator
// from where read/write could
// start i.e. we set here 0 so reading
// will be done from 0 till EOF
// By using readBoolean() method is to
// read boolean as a 8 bit value
boolean status = ra_f.readBoolean();
System.out.println("ra_f.readBoolean(): " + status);
// By using close() method isto
// close this stream ran_f
ra_f.readBoolean(): true