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Java Math class toDegrees() method with example
Math class toDegrees() method in Java: Here, we are going to learn about the toDegrees() method of Math class in Java programming language with its syntax and example.
Submitted by Preeti Jain, on September 16, 2019
Math class toDegrees() method
- toDegrees() method is available in java.lang package.
- toDegrees() method is used to convert an angle from radians to degrees.
- toDegrees() method is a static method, it is accessible with the class name too.
- toDegrees() method does not throw any exception.
Note: The result of conversion an angle from radians to degrees is not generally exact.
public static double toDegrees(double angle_in_radians);
- angle_in_radians – represents the values of an angle in radians.
Return value:
The return type of this method is double – it returns the converted angle from radians to degrees.
Java program to demonstrate example of toDegrees() method
// Java program to demonstrate the example of
// toDegrees(double angle_in_radians) method of Math Class
public class ToDegreesMethod {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// declaring the variables
double d1 = 60;
double d2 = -60;
double d3 = 90;
double d4 = -90;
// displaying the values
System.out.println("Angel values in radians...");
System.out.println("d1: " + d1);
System.out.println("d2: " + d2);
System.out.println("d3: " + d3);
System.out.println("d4: " + d4);
// converting angel value from radians to degrees
d1 = Math.toDegrees(d1);
d2 = Math.toDegrees(d2);
d3 = Math.toDegrees(d3);
d4 = Math.toDegrees(d4);
System.out.println("Angel values in degrees...");
System.out.println("d1: " + d1);
System.out.println("d2: " + d2);
System.out.println("d3: " + d3);
System.out.println("d4: " + d4);
E:\Programs>javac ToDegreesMethod.java
E:\Programs>java ToDegreesMethod
Angel values in radians...
d1: 60.0
d2: -60.0
d3: 90.0
d4: -90.0
Angel values in degrees...
d1: 3437.746770784939
d2: -3437.746770784939
d3: 5156.620156177409
d4: -5156.620156177409