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Java File Class void deleteOnExit() method with Example
Java File Class void deleteOnExit() method: Here, we are going to learn about the void deleteOnExit() method of File class with its syntax and example.
Submitted by Preeti Jain, on July 16, 2019
File Class void deleteOnExit()
- This method is available in package java.io.File.deleteOnExit().
- This method is used to delete the file or directory when the virtual machine terminates.
- The return type of this method is void so it does not return anything.
- In this method delete file or directories in the reverse order, that means last created file or directories will be deleted first when virtual machine terminates.
- This method may raise an exception (i.e. Security Exception) delete access is not given to the file.
void deleteOnExit(){
We don't pass any object as a parameter in the method of the File.
Return value:
The return type of this method is void, it does not return anything.
Java program to demonstrate example of deleteOnExit() method
// import the File class because we will use File class methods
import java.io.File;
// import the Exception class because it may raise an
// exception when working with files
import java.lang.Exception;
class DeleteFileOnExit {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
// Specify the path of file and we use double slashes to
// escape '\' character sequence for windows otherwise
// it will be considerable as url.
File file1 = new File("C:\\Users\\computer clinic\\OneDrive\\Articles\\myjava.txt");
// By using getAbsolutePath() return the complete
// path of the file
String abs_path = file1.getAbsolutePath();
// Display absolute path of the file object
System.out.println("The absolute path of the file 1 if given path is absolute :" + " " + abs_path);
// By using deleteOnExit() method to delete the file
// when the virtual machine terminates
System.out.println("This file will delete as soon as the virtual machine terminates");
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("An error occurred.");
E:\Programs>javac DeleteFileOnExit.java
E:\Programs>java DeleteFileOnExit
The absolute path of the file 1 if given path is absolute : C:\Users\computer clinic\OneDrive\Articles\myjava.txt
This file will delete as soon as the virtual machine terminates