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Can a class have an interface and can an interface have a class in Java?
Here, we are going to learn that can a class have an interface and can an interface have a class in Java programming language?
Submitted by Preeti Jain, on September 17, 2019
In the very first step, we will see can a class have an interface in Java?
- Yes, it is possible to define an interface inside the class.
- The interface is defined in another interface is known as nested interface, but when we define an interface inside the class then that is also known as the nested interface.
- The objective of defining an interface inside a class is used to group related interfaces so that they can be managed easily.
- Once an interface is defined in a class then we are not able to access an interface directly (i.e. an interface must be referred by a class).
- There is a restriction on access modifiers when we define an interface in a class.
- It is not mandatory to prefix "static" keyword with the interfaces defined in a class because the interface is by default static.
class MyClass{
// MyClass Code
interface MyInterface(){
//MyInterface Code
// Java program to demonstrate the example of
// defining an interface in a class
class MyClass {
// Interface definition in a class
interface MyInterface {
void display();
public class Main implements MyClass.MyInterface {
String str = "we are learning Java Programming";
// override abstract method of interface
public void display() {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Main m = new Main();
MyClass.MyInterface mc = new Main();
// Calling Main class method of interface
Hi, we are learning Java Programming
In the second step, we will see can an interface have a class in Java?
- Yes, it is possible to define a class inside the interface.
- The objective of defining a class inside an interface is used to group related interfaces so that they can be managed easily.
- Once a class is defined in an interface then we are not able to access a class directly (i.e. a class must be referred by an interface).
- There is no restriction on access modifiers when we define a class in an interface.
- It is not mandatory to prefix "static" keyword with the class defined in an interface because the class is by default public.
interface MyInterface{
// MyInterface Code
class MyClass(){
// MyClass Code
// Java program to demonstrate the example of
// defining a class in an interface
interface MyInterface {
// MyClass definition
class MyClass {
String str = "Java support OOPS Concept";
void display() {
public class Main extends MyInterface.MyClass {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Main class is instantiated
Main m = new Main();
// Calling MyClass method
Hi, Java support OOPS Concept