Java BigDecimal abs() Method with Example

BigDecimal Class abs() method: Here, we are going to learn about the abs() method of BigDecimal Class with its syntax and example.
Submitted by Preeti Jain, on May 05, 2020

BigDecimal Class abs() method


    public BigDecimal abs();
    public BigDecimal abs(MathContext ma_co);
  • abs() method is available in java.math package.
  • abs() method is used to get a BigDecimal that holds the absolute value of this BigDecimal.
  • abs(MathContext ma_co) method is used to get a BigDecimal and its value is the absolute value of this BigDecimal based on the given MathContext settings.
  • These methods may throw an exception at the time of returning an absolute value.
    ArithmeticException: This exception may throw when the result is not accurate and set the rounding mode "UNNECESSARY"
  • These are non-static methods and it is accessible with class objects and if we try to access these methods with the class name then we will get an error.


  • In the first case, abs(),
    • It does not accept any parameter.
  • In the first case, abs(MathContext ma_co),
    • MathContext ma_co – represents the context setting to use in rounding.

Return value:

In both the cases, the return type of the method is BigDecimal, it returns the absolute value of the BigDecimal and rounding based on the default or context setting.


// Java program to demonstrate the example 
// of abs() method of BigDecimal

import java.math.*;
public class AbsOfBD {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        // Initialize two variables val,
        // and str 
        String val = "-100.52";
        String str = "-2.346";

        // Initialize two BigDecimal objects and
        // one MathContext
        BigDecimal b_dec1 = new BigDecimal(val);
        BigDecimal b_dec2 = new BigDecimal(str);
        MathContext ma_co = new MathContext(3, RoundingMode.CEILING);

        // returns the BigDecimal that holds 
        // the absolulte value of this BigDecimal
        // b_dec1
        BigDecimal abs_val = b_dec1.abs();
        System.out.println("b_dec1.abs(): " + abs_val);

        // returns the BigDecimal that holds 
        // the absolulte value of this BigDecimal
        // b_dec2 based on the given context
        // settings
        abs_val = b_dec2.abs(ma_co);
        System.out.println("b_dec2.abs(ma_co): " + abs_val);


b_dec1.abs(): 100.52
b_dec2.abs(ma_co): 2.35

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