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Engineering Geology and Its Importance
Learn what is engineering geology, engineering geologists, what is the importance of engineering geology?
Submitted by Devyani Nagare, on March 03, 2022
The combination of geology to engineering study application is known as Engineering Geology. Implementing the geological factors in engineering works including location, design, construction, operation, and maintenance. The engineering geology is performed during the planning, civil or structural engineering design, and construction phases. It also includes the geological hazard assessments, geotechnical, material properties, stability of landslides and slopes, erosion, flooding, dewatering, seismic investigations, etc.
Geology is in the play from ancient times, whereas the science and practice of engineering geology have gained its recognization in the modern world until the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The real demand and need of engineer geologists made attention in 1928 was due to the failure of St. Francis Dam in California which cause the death of 426 people. Also, other engineering failures drove the necessity for engineering geologists.
Geological Engineering is the study concerned with the application of geological knowledge to engineering problems.
For Example:
- Engineering geology delivers the study of properties of construction materials including the use of certain materials and their purpose differentiating them as foundation rock, concrete aggregate, decorative purpose, or any other.
- Geology involves the study of a site that is used for the construction of certain buildings, dams, tunnels, tanks, reservoirs, highways, and bridges.
- Determination hazards like landslides, earthquakes, floods, or subsidence danger in the area of engineering works.
The engineering geology study is performed by the engineering geologist have learned, educated, and has gained experience of geological applications in engineering.
Engineering Geologists
Engineering geologists deliver all the necessary geological recommendations after assessing geological features. Performs the analysis, and design of associated human-made construction projects. More the earth-structure interactions more are the vital role of geologists in construction to determine the impact of human-made structures.
Engineering geologist works on geologic hazards assessment, soil study, geotechnical, material, and constructional properties, natural hazards, and ways to make the construction strong.
What is the Importance of Engineering Geology?
Small or large civil engineering constructions need proper planning, designing, and analysis. The steps of the construction process are never been easy. In combination with the amount of risk and hazards that each construction work carries, engineering geologists play a vital role to perform detailed analyses to determine and analyze the hazard.
Starting with a base, the construction of the building needs the foundation that will take up all the living and non-lining load. Geologist helps to recommend the type of foundation suitable in a certain type of soil and for a certain type of construction.
The combination of Geology and Civil Engineering brings stability and durability. Recommendations and studies were done by the engineering geologists add an invaluable amount of quality in the construction projects.
Contributes to improving the strength and longevity of any construction work and making it safe for its suitable purpose. Each and every structure from Dams, buildings, roads, and many more have certain causes of failure and need certain possible preventive measures.
Engineering Geology just does not bring stability but avails the safety, precautions, cost-effective structure recommendations.
The study of Engineering Geology for construction work starts with gathering geological information of the project, it is planning, design, and construction phase with the detailed geological survey of the area. Depending on the purpose of construction, like dams and nearby areas, its soil nature, foundation type, and all are recommended after deep study of that area and project.
The goal of Engineering Geology and type of work geological engineers do
Engineering geology aims to identify the hazard related to geology and engineering that might affect man-made structures. With a deep understanding of the earth's structure and taking suitable actions to reduce potential hazards.
As we know that geology involves a wide range of branches and the study of the whole earth. Engineering geology involves all types of geology applications in engineering that will help in highways, environmental, construction, foundation engineering, dams and bridges, and many more.
The study of soil, groundwater are also the core of engineering geology that has contributed to finding reliable sources of water, areas where dams and wells can be constructed.
Geological engineers help to ensure the stability and strength of the foundation suitable for tunnels, bridges, and highrises. In accordance with that foundation can withstand earthquakes, landslides, and all other hazards. The technology and techniques are always in development and paving the road to find a better way for construction.