
C# program to write text to a file

C# | Write text to a file: In this tutorial, we will learn how to write text to a file using C# program? Submitted by IncludeHelp, on October 28, 2017 [Last updated : March 23, 2023]

Writing text to a file in C#

To write text to a file in C#, we can use File.WriteAllText() function, which is used to write all text (passed as an argument) in a file. Note: If the file does not exist at the specified location, this method creates the file first and then writes all text to the file.


void File.WriteAllText(path, content);

Where, path is the filename with it's location and content is the text to be written to the file.

C# program to write text to a file

using System;

//We need to include this namespace 
// for file handling
using System.IO;

namespace ConsoleApplication1 {
  class Program {
    static void Main() {
      string s;

      Console.WriteLine("Enter text to Write into File : ");
      s = Console.ReadLine();

      File.WriteAllText("ABC.TXT", s);
      Console.WriteLine("\nFile Creation Done");


Enter text to Write into File :
Hello , This is a sample program for writing text into file.

File Creation Done


In above program, we need to remember, when we use "File" class, System.IO namespace must be included in the program.

C# File Handling Programs »


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